The international adventures of a singing, dancing zombie queen.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Smarts of the Interwebs

Wow. I am sitting here at my desk, NOT working on my thesis, and it's OKAY. It's okay because last night I finished and turned in my reworked draft to my second reader; much of which had undergone two rewrites.
This means that I have one more rewrite to do, plus fancy formatting stuffs. Like... I am kinda done doing the bulk of my written thesis. Which means that I might have the Brain to make a cool concert thesis. And I will only be taking about.. oh... say 60% of the load that I had last semester. JESUS. Holy Crap. The horizon is visible.

From the intardwebs, articles that appeal to my skeptical inner hippy, thanks to many lj buddies:

Morality, as I see it and science now is confirming

exersize mostly just makes you feel better, unless you're sedentary.

Freaking Bionic eyes. Can I has PLZ??

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Dance & Fitness Faculty member at San Francisco Peninsula Community Colleges, Director, Choreographer & Featured Dancer, Founder of the Living Dead Girlz, and Owner of the Steele Dance Company, which provides entertainment for festivals, corporate events, conventions and private events. Teaching private dance lessons and creating choreography since 1997, Steele graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a Double Major in Dance and Comparative Literature and completed her Master of Fine Arts in Dance and Choreography at Mills College. She has toured all the major cities in Germany and performed at the Cannes Film Festival as the featured dancer in TRIP -- Remix Your Experience, a multimedia exhibition of film, live music and art. Steele has also performed as a featured dancer for RJ Reynolds (CAMEL) promotional events. Steele currently manages the go-go dancers of "Poor Impulse Control," who perform frequently in San Francisco's industrial, alternative, and rock venues.
