The international adventures of a singing, dancing zombie queen.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Being a director is the stressfol.

Details are quite a pain in the hiney.

Well; today I heard that our old stickers might have the wrong web address on them... had to fix the shortie design, find a replacement button company since the other one completely flaked, heard in the last 24 hours that two of my dancers have to miss hours out of our workshop day tomorrow, and figure out how to approach the people who miss-represented us on the flier for a show we're doing by saying "zombie go-gos will entertain"... which really gets me... zombie go-going is quite different than having a choreographed, costumed, set, multi-part, prop-inclusive, special effects having dance troupe that's been rehearsing for months. No reference to our name, no mention of our website...
now I can't get into paypal to pay the button folks... ARAGH
On a brighter note; it was my second year in a row getting chosen by Gen .... yay!
Genitorturers make my year!! Whoot! almost 5; I'm outta here!

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Dance & Fitness Faculty member at San Francisco Peninsula Community Colleges, Director, Choreographer & Featured Dancer, Founder of the Living Dead Girlz, and Owner of the Steele Dance Company, which provides entertainment for festivals, corporate events, conventions and private events. Teaching private dance lessons and creating choreography since 1997, Steele graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a Double Major in Dance and Comparative Literature and completed her Master of Fine Arts in Dance and Choreography at Mills College. She has toured all the major cities in Germany and performed at the Cannes Film Festival as the featured dancer in TRIP -- Remix Your Experience, a multimedia exhibition of film, live music and art. Steele has also performed as a featured dancer for RJ Reynolds (CAMEL) promotional events. Steele currently manages the go-go dancers of "Poor Impulse Control," who perform frequently in San Francisco's industrial, alternative, and rock venues.
