blog? when?
So, I've been out of the loop of blog-land for a while; working on my grad applications. It's crazy how much there is to do when you have a statement of purpose and twenty pages of writing samples. I even had papers that I started with, but it turns out that making a paper go from a B to an A takes an extra 15 hours of work. SHEESH!
I just got home from dance class, which was good. I decided to not stay for hip-hop class because I broke my pinky toe again. Not even doing something crazy like leaps; I just like to stub it really hard every year or so. It's like an art project; now my pinky bone is shaped like a "Z" and the main joint is nearly twice as big in my right toe as in it's lefty counterpart. Heh.
I saw an ad on the blog log-in space for bloggers who are participating in the NaNoMo; or whatever that National Novel Writing Month is. How are you supposed to keep up a blog while you're trying to write 50,000 words in a month? It puzzles me. These people must not have jobs or lives or anything. I should try that sometime.
I am going to take a shower now.
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