Everyone please send magical wishes of get well to my god-kitty,
Prince Sebastian Faust Ragnarok of the Royal Ragnaroks.
The international adventures of a singing, dancing zombie queen.
Everyone please send magical wishes of get well to my god-kitty,
Prince Sebastian Faust Ragnarok of the Royal Ragnaroks.
I will be teaching my first open classes beginning in July. The classes will be super-intimate, in a small, warm studio. Please join me!
Wear comfortable clothes (no jeans, please), and be ready to sweat and let your inner rock star out!
ShoeBox Studio is on Market between 6th and 7th Streets, Civic Center BART
Shoebox was started by my dear lady, Cera, and I'm so proud of her! Whoot! Support the dancin' ladies!
thus spoke Queen Zombie at 3:06 PM 0 zombie groans
If you haven't heard Steev & my big news from just before labor day, please call!
I've told most folks, but I'm delaying posting the goo percause it is nice to share it in person!
thus spoke Queen Zombie at 1:07 AM 0 zombie groans
(currently listening to french hip hop and drinking french wine, occasionally getting up to try choreographing while in Kansas Briefs, H&M German halter top and sneakers. Zoe would laugh at me... and ask me where my heels are!)I like this rose:
mas de gourgonnier
Les Baux de Provence
Appellation les Beaux de Provence Controlee
Imported by North Berkeley Imports
hee hee; Berkeley. Amusing, non? After like 10 bottles of rose that were sad and disappointing, I finally found one that wasn't sweet and yet still tastes of berries. Next stop: the spiciness that was in the rose's that I had in France.
The Frenchman at Cafe Couleur told me right: the French don't export their rose; they keep it for themselves. The safest way to go is to look for rose's from Cote de Provence (there were none at BevMo), but Beux de Provence is pretty damn close.
SCREW the American selections.
I WILL conquer the importing doom and find the yum.
PS: feel free to bring me more of it! I just finished it :(
PPS: in the Midwest, you can find size 8 in cute stuff, because they actually stock higher sizes (I'm talking cute underwear, ladies), so everyone my size and bigger doesn't have to buy my size and leave it sold out.
Consequently, I went to 2 WalMarts and bought about oh... 30 pairs of cute undies.
Also, I love french hip hop and this is my long-lost favorite french hip-hop video:
thus spoke Queen Zombie at 12:46 AM 2 zombie groans
Flesh Eating
Zombies Play Set
Wreak havoc on your sister's precious diorama with this Flesh Eating Zombie Play Set! Each set includes nine 1" to 3.25" tall, hard vinyl zombies, complete with blank stares, gaping mouths, open wounds and missing limbs! Turn off the lights and they glow! Fantastic undead fun for the whole family!
Glow-in-the-Dark Flesh Eating Zombies Play Set
item 11739
$14.95 ea.
thus spoke Queen Zombie at 5:12 PM 0 zombie groans