A week ago, I sent out the following email, and received the following responses. I thought I'd post them all here for everyone's amusement.... enjoy, and thank you. Although I actually did this for an assignment.... it sure does brighten a girl's day, lemmietellya.
"...please send me a reply of one word that you think of reguarding me. I'm doing an exercise which is not supposed to be emotional, and is abstract and direct, if that helps. I will think of movement that I randomly associate with the words." I alphabetized, but left in multiples.
amazing, awesome, blond, bold, bold, brilliant, charismatic, colorful, concerned, creative movement in motion, daring, daring, determined, determined, disciplined, driven, driven, effervescent, effervescent, feisty, feline, feral, fierce, fluid, funky, gone, honest, honey, hot, iconic, inspiring, inspiring, intuitive, kinetic, lava lamp, fluid like honey, love, love, muscle memory, playful, radiant, real, scramberlicious, serpentine, sexy, sociable, sparkle, sparkles, spirited, spunk, steely, hair sticks, strong, sultry, sultry, titsy, undead, vibrant, vivacious, voluptuous, warm