The international adventures of a singing, dancing zombie queen.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Another creation spawned from Steev and I devouring:

Christmas gleeeeeeeeee!!

I have a problem. I have a problem with Glitter. I try to deny that it is a problem. But I just can't help myself. I find myself having glitter every day.
I have an inordinately strong reaction of joy to the prospect of buying glitter.

Once I've been set loose in the store of glittery things, I tend to go a little overboard.

Bless my sweet, sweet man for understanding and submitting his living room to my glitter-terrorism.

Fun with Steev

How I fell in love with Kafka

And thus, Steev learned the power of making cute stuffed animals talk to me.

Living Dead Girlz updates...

#1) "The Devil's Picnic" video reel
#2) Press Kit and Promotional Video Reel
#3) NEW SHOW and upcoming video project announcements

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pics from San Diego

Here's the link to the pics from the San Diego trip last weekend. There are a few of our evening with Nicole Hight, a few of Soul in the Machine and their fabulous bird, Fred, and a whole buttload of pictures that Steev and I took of ourselves being total jackasses in our fancypants hotel room.
We seem to have a long history of making funny faces at cameras together, as demonstrated by the photobooth pictures we took on our first date, at the carnival last July:

jackassery in fancypants fluffycloudbed

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

End of the year already???

Crazy. This year ... well; the end of this year, in any case, has gone by like a crackhead on a grocery cart on a San Francisco hillside!
Steev and I took a lovely road trip down to San Diego last weekend to shoot the new video for Soul in the Machine, which was loads of fun to do. We stayed in fancypantsville (aka the Hilton), with a king-size, multi-pillowed bed of clouds, ate STEAK, met his super fantastic Dad and his Dad's Lady, Carla, whom I am totally impressed by. She's an ambitious, spunky, sassy, straight shooter, she's been a nurse for years, and before that she was a go-go dancer and race car driver (she'd supe up the cars, herself, too!)

We're going to Kansas to visit his brother and fam for Christmas, and I am totally stoked because there is SNOOOOOOOW!!! OMG SNOW. YAY. And on the way home, we're spending two nights in fancypants, Vegas, at the Venetian!!
So, all is super fantastical. I am so happy just hanging out with him, and we get to go on adventures on top of it!
I start grad schoolio in January, and I just finished applying/organizing my loans, and know what my class schedule is, and am figuring out carpools and have friends there to show me around. I'm totally looking forward to it, and I'm proud that I'm getting all of the hampering details out of the way in a smooth fashion.
AND: I totally have the Christmas spirit. Like CRAZY. LOCO. Insanity.
Here's the snow I will be rolling around in on the 23rd!

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Dance & Fitness Faculty member at San Francisco Peninsula Community Colleges, Director, Choreographer & Featured Dancer, Founder of the Living Dead Girlz, and Owner of the Steele Dance Company, which provides entertainment for festivals, corporate events, conventions and private events. Teaching private dance lessons and creating choreography since 1997, Steele graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a Double Major in Dance and Comparative Literature and completed her Master of Fine Arts in Dance and Choreography at Mills College. She has toured all the major cities in Germany and performed at the Cannes Film Festival as the featured dancer in TRIP -- Remix Your Experience, a multimedia exhibition of film, live music and art. Steele has also performed as a featured dancer for RJ Reynolds (CAMEL) promotional events. Steele currently manages the go-go dancers of "Poor Impulse Control," who perform frequently in San Francisco's industrial, alternative, and rock venues.
