The international adventures of a singing, dancing zombie queen.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Zombie Music Video this Tuesday 10/26!!!
At the Parkway Speakeasy Theater
1834 Park Blvd.
Oakland, CA
Hosted by Shannon Lark, TCM Director
OCTOBER 26TH 9:15 pm
You can read more info on it at-
The filmmakers works that will be presented-
Nik Wendelsdorf-Mr. Cleaver
Eric Callero-Flying Saucer Rock 'N' Roll
Tim Thompson-KFC Zombie
Jesse Kerman-Night of the Living Lush/Working Stiff
Anthony Marchitiello- The Ready to Drop Trilogy
Will Backer-KIN
Shannon Lark-Babies for Breakfast/Marburg/What Ever Happened to the ZombieKillers?
Jimmy James Roddy-Picture This
John Carlson-Aborted Shit Baby
On October 26th @ 9:15PM
a crowd will be celebrating these indie horror filmmakers! This will also be a chance for you to get exposed to the makeup artists, musicians, actors, producers, and others artists that create the horror community of the Bay area.
Tickets go on sale at 5:45 PM at the box office at the Parkway.
Please come out and cheer for these hardworking individuals, who make blood and guts into an art!
thus spoke Queen Zombie at 8:53 PM 0 zombie groans
graduate school... the epic
Well, I'm back, finally... Sheesh! The DSL was down for a while; I took the GRE, I've been working a bunch of 12 hour shifts, travelling to Mountain View to cover the missing worker down there. Mayhem, basically, but not totally unpleasant.
The GRE went fine. I didn't explode the computer with my stunning skills, but I think I did just fine. I will get the percentage and essay scores next week, probably. I had to spend a couple of days totally freaking out about it, though. Many thanks to my lovely S and J, who comforted me in my time of psychosis. And I have offers for letters of recommendation from two of my profs, so far, so that is two out of three needed, although I may have to hunt harder for the last ones.. It's so hard to be asking and simultaneously wondering whether you should ask someone else who knows you less well, because they might be more major-specific, or famous, but they hardly remember your face. Maybe that is who I should find for the third one; someone with a shiney name. Problem is, I don't know how to find out who does have a shiney name; is there a list somewhere? In my book, my two peeps so far are my favoritest teachers in the world, and I want to be a good teacher like they are when I grow up. They're the people who've inspired me. Too bad I can't just bring them with me, and we could all interview together, and then the admissions comittee would be equally astounded by their talent.
I will have to start writing soon. I think I'll take my samples from work I did while in school; especially since I was in better practice with writing back then. I'll clean them up and probably have to edit for length, though, but at least I won't be starting from scratch. That would sure be a lot of work.
Has anyone out there applied to grad school and gotten in, who would be willing to let me peruse their statement of purpose? I am really feeling a little bit lost about how that should go. Mucho hearts to all who wil help!!
thus spoke Queen Zombie at 8:40 PM 0 zombie groans
Friday, October 08, 2004
Dresden Dolls and dancing marionettes....
Hello Ladies und Gentlemen!!!
For those of you who are in Alison's class, you already know the Dresden Dolls; they're the duo who did the "Missed Me" song that we just did the combo to. They are totally amazing; their entire album makes me want to explode with joy, and they are totally full of energy and put on a fantastic show!!
Please join me to come and see them on November 17th at The Great American Music Hall in San Fran! It's a Wednesday night, so we don't have to miss dance class!
Tickets are $16, and thereare two opening bands.
If you go to the site, the extra fee isonly $2 per, which is pretty cheap for online tickets.
Here's a link to the Virtuous site; the Dolls' show is towards the bottom ofthe page:
or you can go to the venue site:
If you want to hear more of the Dresden Dolls, there's lots to hear online at:
their entire site is pretty neat, so have a peek around....
Also, there are organized local performers who come to their shows and dostuff; my friend Whitney is their organizer, and I was thinking of puttingtogether a little cabaret-esque dancy thing to do in the lobby?? Anyoneinterested???
mon pareils and cyanide capsules,
thus spoke Queen Zombie at 8:37 PM 1 zombie groans
Friday, October 01, 2004
GRE Prep Stress...
I just took the practice GRE at home, and it was rough, I tell ya. Mostly I think my problem was time; I didn't finish one of the math questions, and definately made some mistakes that were caused by rushing. It was harder to keep myself moving slowly and steadily as I got more tired and therefore more nervous. The good news is that I got in the 94th percentile on the verbal section, which was better than I had done before. The essay part; not so good. I figure that I only got a four and a five, for a 4.5 score total, mostly because I didn't leave enough time or space to be able to go back and organize my essays. But I did much better on the second one than the first; mostly because I had more of a sense of the time and so tried to pare down my arguments so that it would all be cohesive. I think I will have to concentrate on having a general structure laid out in my head for the introductory paragraph and conclusion paragraph. Blech. I certainly hope that people will be prepared for me to call in some pep talks in the week before and some sort of celebration on the night of the 16th.
I think I am going to go take a nap now. urgh...
thus spoke Queen Zombie at 3:44 PM 0 zombie groans
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About Me

- Queen Zombie
- Dance & Fitness Faculty member at San Francisco Peninsula Community Colleges, Director, Choreographer & Featured Dancer, Founder of the Living Dead Girlz, and Owner of the Steele Dance Company, which provides entertainment for festivals, corporate events, conventions and private events. Teaching private dance lessons and creating choreography since 1997, Steele graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a Double Major in Dance and Comparative Literature and completed her Master of Fine Arts in Dance and Choreography at Mills College. She has toured all the major cities in Germany and performed at the Cannes Film Festival as the featured dancer in TRIP -- Remix Your Experience, a multimedia exhibition of film, live music and art. Steele has also performed as a featured dancer for RJ Reynolds (CAMEL) promotional events. Steele currently manages the go-go dancers of "Poor Impulse Control," who perform frequently in San Francisco's industrial, alternative, and rock venues.